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Food & Drink

Graza makes single-origin, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) delivered in squeeze bottles with an emphasis on high quality and approachable cost. We were tasked with bringing their ecommerce experience to life alongside the Gander team.

Design Partner
Winter 2022


No blending, no funny business. An ecommerce experience for always fresh, always high-quality EVOO that’s meant to be squeezed.


    Introduces Graza products and their key features and benefits.

    About Us

    Highlights the company's unique story and the team behind it.

    Product Detail Page

    Highlights selling points to convince visitors to make a purchase.


    Helps customers find information in a user-friendly format.

Meet The Glog

(Glog = Blog Graza style). The Glog pages feature search and filtering functionality catering to a wide range of recipes, culture, and education topics. An assortment of user-friendly layouts make it easy to browse editorial content alongside recipes and step-by-step instructions.


Shopify OS 2.0 x Baggy tooling with Vue.js and Tailwind.

"Working with the team at Baggy was an absolute pleasure. They not only made all of our dreams and ideas come to life, but they built the backend in a simple and user-friendly way that is really easy for us to manage."

Allen Dushi


April 2023

Brooklyn, NY
